ACA Subsidies

How to Qualify for ACA Subsidies and Lower Your Costs

February 25, 20250 min read

How to Qualify for ACA Subsides and Lower Your Costs

Who Qualifies for ACA Subsidies?

  • Income between 100%-400% of the federal poverty level

  • No access to affordable employer-sponsored health insurance

  • U.S. citizens or lawfully present residents

Types of ACA Subsidies

  • Premium Tax Credits – Reduce monthly premiums

  • Cost-Sharing Reductions – Lower out-of-pocket expenses

How to Apply for ACA Subsidies

  1. Visit or your state exchange.

  2. Enter income and household details.

  3. Compare plans with and without subsidies.

  4. Enroll before the Open Enrollment Period ends.

Scott Dorrell owns and operates Sprinter Insurance Agency d.b.a Health Enrollment Center.

Scott Dorrell

Scott Dorrell owns and operates Sprinter Insurance Agency d.b.a Health Enrollment Center.

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